

Azur Lane, Fate/Grand Order, Ilustracje Oryginalne






rurudo – unreal




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Rurudo – Unreal (Ichijinsha, 2021) – My Comment

The publication consists of 128 pages printed on high-quality, thick, A4 size chalky paper. It’s worth mentioning that on the front cover the font used for the title and the author’s inscription is embossed and additionally has a hologram color. You can’t see it on the pictures below but in reality, it gives the impression of a premium product and looks simply great. The colors have been faithfully reproduced and printing area is almost a full A4 page, with about a two-centimeter margin at the top (where the titles of works of art and possible names of characters are placed) and a centimeter margin at the bottom. There are also many full-page prints without margins, where the drawings are presented in their full glory on both pages.

Rurudo - Unreal (2021, Ichijinsha) - recenzja artbooka - rascal.pl
Rurudo - Unreal (2021, Ichijinsha) - recenzja artbooka - rascal.pl

Unreal is divided into four chapters. The first chapter features quite a few original illustrations by rurudo. Including one that was used to create a figurine depicting his character Eve LOVECALL in the exact pose from that illustration (which was scheduled for release last November, but only went on general sale a month ago). The next chapter features artwork that depicts female characters from titles like Azur Lane, Fate/Grand Order, Miyamoto Sakura ga Kawaii dake no Shousetsu no Manga, but also characters used by VTubers. Third chapter was focused on presenting the process of creating illustrations The last one is (as usual) an interview with rurudo.

The cover price is ¥3000. The artbook is currently still on sale (21/03/2022). If anyone is interested, they can easily visit amazon in Japan and get their copy.

Rurudo – Unreal (Ichijinsha, 2021) – Show Off

Before we move to the gallery, where you can see some photos of the artbook’s contents, let me show you how it looks from the outside.

This is how it looks in the wrapper:

And without:



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Murata Range – Futurelog

I assume that not many people interested in Japanese art don't recognize the author, or at least his unique style. This beautiful artbook is covered with wrapper and protective clear film - English-language versions of Japanese artbooks or manga usually don't have these, so good job, Denpa Books.

Ogipote – Aikyo Artbook (Kadokawa, 2021)

The artbook has 144 pages in B5 format. The content is divided into 11 thematic chapters. At the very beginning, the author greets us with an explanation of the meaning of the publication's title. Aikyo refers to a charming, enchanting nature or a nostalgic feeling. Enjoy the warm atmosphere of the artworks with unique, beautiful touches.

Momoco – Arietta (Genkosha, 2020)

The artbook titled arietta by Momoco features artwork depicting female characters from series, projects, and games such as Akugyaku Kishidan: Sono Elf, Kyoubou ni Tsuki, Bullet Girls Phantasia, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/Stay Night, Kanpani Girls, Last Embryo, Onsen Musume, Oshiego ni Kyouhakusareru no wa Hanzai desu ka?, Utawarerumono: Lost Flag and original illustrations.

Tokunou Shoutarou – Next Game!! (Houbunsha, 2021)

I've loved Tokunou Shoutarou's style ever since I read the first chapter of New Game! A few months ago, while browsing pixiv, I noticed that an artbook titled Next Game was being released on September 27! Without a second thought I placed a pre-order. The package was shipped on schedule (the day before the release), but I waited over a month and a half for it (it was only yesterday that the letter carrier showed up at my door handing it to me) - I can't remember the last time it took this long for a package shipped in Japan to arrive.