Anime Seasonal Highlights

Entries dedicated to news stories premiering in a given season’s frame (spring, summer, fall winter). They present series that I find interesting with a description, commentary, my initial expectations, PV screenshots, trivia and information about available translations.

Na dworze temperatury zmuszają już do zakładania cieplejszych ubrań, koniec roku zbliża się wielkimi krokami. Najwyższa więc pora na przygotowanie kolejnej polecajki - anime zima 2025.
Upały w końcu ustały, za oknem widać pierwsze oznaki jesieni. Pora na przygotowanie nowej polecajki sezonowej - Anime Jesień 2024.
The hot weather and frequent storms are making their presence, so it's high time to prepare a post with another seasonal recommendation - Anime Summer 2024.
It's getting warmer outside, the last episodes of winter series have premiered. So it's time to prepare a recommendation on the next season - anime spring 2024.
The end of the year is coming. It's high time to welcome the next one and thus prepare two entries. Summary of the year and recommendations for the winter season. This time I'm preparing some highly anticipated sequels and a few titles that caught my attention in some way.
The days are getting shorter, the heat is slowly receding, September is coming to an end. The next anime season starts soon, so it's high time to prepare a post with the most interesting series premiering this fall for me.
Behind the window the unmerciful heat makes it known that it is time to write a summer recommendation. After the abundance served up in the spring, the next season gives some rest. However, this does not mean that the summer 2023 anime season will lack interesting titles. This time I managed to choose twelve series that seem interesting enough for me to check out.
All indications are that Anime Spring 2023 will prove to be a very exciting season for anime lovers, with a host of new series set to premiere. With each new anime season, fans eagerly await more titles that will provide them with unforgettable thrills and engaging stories.
The season of heavy rains and cold has arrived, the green is slowly transforming into golden colors - a sign that it is time for a new recommendation. Before you the most interesting in my opinion anime series autumn 2022.
It's January, so it's time to prepare a post summarizing the past year of anime 2021.