Komeshiro Kasu – Girls Planet (Genkosha, 2022) – My Comment
The artbook, titled Girls Planet by Komeshiro Kasu, features mostly original illustrations by the artist. It counts 176 pages in A4 format. Printed – traditionally on high-quality, thick paper. At the very end of the publication you will find a step-by-step description of how the artwork seen on the cover was created. The same drawing, only in full version on two A4 pages, we can see in the artbook itself. At the end is an interview with the author, under which is a nicely realized timeline with examples of Komeshiro Kasu’s illustrations from particular years. The last pages are devoted to an introduction to the origins of the images we have previously seen and the years in which they were created including a brief description of each.
The quality of the print is more than satisfying. Colors look vibrant and the amount of detail is stunning. The lettering on the cover was done using thick hologram foil, which enhances the aesthetic aspects quite a bit and gives the impression of a premium product. I’ve been following Komeshiro Kasu for a long time on pixiv, so an artbook with his works in my collection was basically a matter of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to any collector.
Komeshiro Kasu – Girls Planet (Genkosha, 2022) – Show Off
Before moving on to the gallery, where you will be able to see some photos of the contents of the artbook, it is appropriate to show how it looks from the outside.
This is how it looks in the wrapper:
Whereas this is what it looks like without: