Yuuki Makoto transfers to Gokkoukan High School. UUpon arriving in Tokyo, Yuuki Makoto quickly makes his way to the dormitory where he will be staying, as it's already quite late. As midnight strikes, Makoto realizes that something strange is happening.
Honda Takumi, an ordinary high school student, and his friends Atsuta Yuzuru and Dazai Ichirou are caught off guard by a mysterious earthquake and transported to Da'at; an alternate apocalyptic version of Tokyo in the midst of a powerful battle between angels and demons.
The year is 1985, and Sakura High School students Kurabe Juurou, Fuyusaka Iori, and Amiguchi Shuu are experiencing a strange phenomenon of dreaming together about Kaijuu wars in the past and future. They are also watched over by a school nurse named Morimura Chihiro, who provides an unknown type of medicine to several students of their institution.